

My last post was all about how I had chosen a college to go to next year, but now that's all changed. If I've learned anything in the past couple of months, it would be "trust those who you've grown up with, not those who left you in the middle of your life".

I'm not sure what made me think this would ever be a good idea, but I guess its nice to know that I have family and loved ones that care about what decisions I make. They care and watch out for me when I make awful decisions. All I know is that this was a huge learning experience. I've learned who to trust and who not to trust (once again in my life), I've learned all about H&M, and about the weather in Washington. I've used public transportation to get to work, bought a faux fur vest, and gone to Seattle. Most important of all though, I've learned a lot about my relationship with Kaleb. (Also, he probably cooks better than me...sad, hunh?)

So back to Georgia we go. I am SO ready to see my grandparents and Morgan, and my sisters and Sara and Hannah! I just can't wait to see everyone, be in my hometown, go to my high school's football games, and see my puppy. I have to give Marley up though, and that is one of the worst things that is going to happen to me. :( I love her so much, and I've gotten so attached to her. Its awful to know I have to give her to someone that I don't even know will take care of her the way I do. No one knows her little quirks like I do.

If anyone wants to take her for me, that would be great. She is really hyper (I'm pretty sure she's part siamese) and she gets into EVERYTHING. She is the absolute best kitten to play with though. She hates vacuums and hair dryers, but she loves strings and bells. I feel like I'm writing one of those ads in the newspaper trying to get a date. Haha! I'm taking her to the vet today to make sure she's got all her shots and stuff, so yeh.

On a different note, Kaleb and I will be house-sitting for a co-worker while she goes to Palm Springs. Jealous?! (Of the Palm Springs trip of course) I know I am! It'll be nice to have our own little space for a week and take care of her pets. :) I don't know what I'm going to do with Marley when we go, I'm scared she will like, freak out with all the new animals.

I'm going to go watch Grey's Anatomy with Kaleb. (This is the THIRD time I've gone through all the episodes. I just really love Grey's Anatomy. :P)

- Katie

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