First thing I did? Search Pinterest for cute outfits. As I'm looking, I came across a really cute crochet pattern. Eventually I found a pattern for a really cute spiral potholder. So I grabbed my yarn and went at it. It turned out so cute! I'm going to make more, but next time I'm going to make it bigger, because it barely holds my small skillet! Don't judge my picture, because I'm aware that there are a couple loose stitches and some crooked ones,'s still cute. :) Here is the tutorial I followed: clickkkkkk
After I finished that, I wanted to try another project I've kind of been putting off. I don't know if you've seen the pin that's on Pinterest for making a plastic bag 'dispenser' out of a lysol container...but this is the link to the tutorial: click here!
Well, I was going to make that but I ended up using a different container and basically already made that. So I kept my Lysol disinfectant wipe container that I was saving for it in the laundry room. I have seen it every time I walked into the laundry room for the past couple weeks and I just wanted to put it to use!
I mod podged some fabric on it today (and then spilled half my bottle of mod podge on the carpet...oops :P) and filled it with the cat food. YAY cute container. :) [P.s. The BF had to cut the plastic off with a razor blade so that it was an empty circle and not the little wipes dispenser...if you get what I'm saying. I'm really not sure how he did it because I didn't watch, but I know he used a razor blade and broke random pieces off.]

And for the last part of this post: Yesterday's menu! (I know, I know...we're all so excited. :))
Before I start, I just want everyone to know that I had a very long visit to the ER yesterday. (3 hours...not really that long, but too long for me. I get cranky.) I ate breakfast before I went, and then I ate after I left...and then I had a I'm-Still-A-Child-And-I-Want-A-Treat-After-The-Doctor treat. ;)
Breakfast: Oats with a Banana
Lunch: Subway - Turkey & Avocado (no bacon) with tomato, cucumber, olives, and provolone.
Treat: Small Reese's Blizzard from DQ
I'm pretty sure at the end of the day I also had 2 chocolate chip cookies and a shrimp quesadilla around midnight....LOL
Yesterday was rough. I'm not sure if I put it on here, but I also had 1/3 of a molten lava cake at work with my mom and brother on Friday night too! (Between that and the blizzard...that was my cheat meal this I didn't officially have one)
Today I've had:
Breakfast #1: Oats & a Banana
Breakfast #2: Skinny Cow Ice Cream & Ezekial Cinnamon Raisin english muffin with Walden Farms apple butter!! <--- THE shit. The whole thing, not the just the apple butter.
Lunch #1: Shrimp Quesadilla
Lunch #2: Special K - Cinnamon Pecan
Snack: 2 Chocolate Chip Cookies....
Yeh, they were just sitting there all yummy-looking and stuff. I need to get rid of them because I baked them for Jay & Kaleb and they are not eating them. I am. lasdfa;dsf So yeh, today is going to end well. I'm going to stay on my meal plan for the rest of the day and tomorrow is starting a new week :)
- Katie
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