
Love Love Love

I haven't posted in forEVER, I know.

Today is seriously the first day I just got to sit in bed all day and do whatever I want in SO long.

Every day I usually get up between 5 & 6 to get to the gym. After that, I go to work, or go to Savannah, or something. Seriously, I am always running and doing things. At night, I try to go to bed by 9 or 10, but lately with the holidays and all, I've been getting to bed really late. Yesterday, when I got home from Savannah with Morgan, I laid down at 4:30 in the afternoon for a short nap and slept until 11:45 at night. Holy crap, right? I stayed up until about 3 and went back to sleep easily. That's how exhausted I've been.

Anyways, I've been so consumed with the gym and work, but to be honest - I'm happy. All day I think about the gym, what we're going to do, what I'm going to eat, but I'm not as stressed out as I was at the beginning. HAHA, that was so bad. I seriously would sit in my room and just want to cry from how stressed I was, good thing I got over that! Overall, I've been working out for just over a month and I've lost about 8 pounds, (On Facebook I said I'd lost 15 pounds, and I have...since about August.) 2% body fat, and about 5 inches all over so far.

Tomorrow, December 28, 2011, is mine and Kaleb's 3 year anniversary! Oh my gosh, it kinda feels like it flew by! I think we are going to have a nice little date 'day' (because I close tomorrow :( ) withOUT eating out. :) I'm excited, and I love him. <3

Alright, I'm gonna go drink my mixed fruit smoothie and find some yummy recipes :)

- Katie

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